You are Stronger Than Anything! You are… and chances are that is why you are here.

I don’t know all the struggles you have faced, but I know the ones I have faced and I know I am not the only one that has survived the difficult storms of life.

These are some of the things I have struggled with (and have come out on the other side even stronger) and things I am struggling with now — and I have a feeling you might be battling similar things in your life:

  • Difficult family life while growing up
  • Was the butt of jokes in high school
  • Worked 60 hours a week while I went to college full time
  • Moved 700 miles away from my family
  • Divorce and all that goes along with that
  • Single Parenthood
  • Having a Blended Family
  • Stepping Down from my Career
  • Starting Over as a Homeschool Mom
  • Battled for 7 years with Rheumatoid Arthritis and WON
  • Spent 2 years in a wheelchair and GOT OUT OF IT
  • Lived in excruciating pain and depression for YEARS
  • Lost people I love to cancer and death
  • and More…

My trials and triumphs might not be exactly the same as yours but the thing we ALL share is that by staying strong in the face of whatever you are dealing with is how we win; its how we grow; and it’s how we become STRONGER THAN ANYTHING.