Have you laughed today? Yesterday? Has it been a while?

We have heard time and again about the medical benefits of laughter – some of the benefits include (credit for this little list goes to http://christianity.about.com/od/topicaldevotions/qt/laughtertherapy.htm):

  • Decrease in stress hormone levels
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Pain reduction
  • Lowering of blood pressure
  • Natural anti-depressant

With benefits like this, every chronic pain patient could use a good laugh at least once a day! So that is why on Fridays I want to post something funny – so you can laugh and feel better. 🙂

Enjoy this week’s Funny….



BULL MASTIFFS: The World’s 2nd most lazy dog known to man
(2nd only to the English mastiff)

How do I know this? We own a bull mastiff named Darla:

Darla - so lazy she moos!

Darla – so lazy she moos!

She is the SWEETEST, most obedient dog I have ever owned, but alas, she is quite lazy. If she is laying down somewhere and we need her to move she will literally make this noise that sounds like MOOOO and she is big (over 120 pounds). So, to see a bull mastiff in the 2014 Doritos commercial, being ridden like a horse and jumping in the air – WELL… that is just hilarious if you ask me. But, judge for yourself (I love this commercial by the way – dealing with cranky tweeners – there are days I have dreamed of wrangling them like this. LOL. Enjoy and I hope you find more than one thing today that will make you laugh. Be well! Blessings, Alicia

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZAPjGwKhwk]